Sunday, February 3, 2013

Lemon Cake Balls with Lemon Curd.

   So yesterday during lunch, my friend Jason mentioned wanting to pick up some cake balls for his wife.  And he proceeded to say that they are ridiculously over priced.  The next couple of minutes of conversation ended with me saying, "Challenge....EXCEPTED!!!"
   I'm not really going to lay out the recipes or procedures for making these cake balls, because it would make this blog pretty darn long so I'll just post pictures.  :)  But if you really want the recipes that I used, just e-mail me and I'll get them to you.  So here goes...

Lemon cake...

Lemon Custard...

 Forming the Cake...

Melting chocolate...

Final Product...
  Well there you go....I actually made quite a few variations.  Some with the lemon custard as the binding agent, some with icing as the binding agent, some with the lemon custard as the binding agent with a filling of lemon custard pipped inside.  Anyway, this all took about 1½ hours.  I've never made them before and to tell you the absolute truth, I don't really like baking.  But Jason and I'm guessing his wife liked them, so I guess they were a success.

Until next time....I wish y'all happy eating.

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