Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Pull Porked with BBQ Sauce

This will be quick...and without pictures.

So Henry and I went out to eat yesterday (as you can see from the review) so by the time I got home I didn't want to cook anything but I knew I needed something for lunch.  I decided to bust out the slow cooker and throw things in there.  Pretty simple.

I bought a boneless pork butt, seasoned it with salt, pepper, red pepper flakes, paprika, a little cayenne, some cajun seasoning, garlic, and onion powder.  I let that sit for a bit while I cut up the veggies.  I cut up some potatoes, carrots, and an onion.  I put that in the bottom of the slow cooker so that the pork can sit on it.  I seared off all sides of the pork and put that in the slow cooker.  In a small bowl, I added about 2 cups of water, some ketchup, brown sugar, and paprika.  Mixed that together then poured into the slow cooker.  I set it for about 8 hours on low and went to bed.

In the morning I grabbed the pork from the slow cooker and shredded it with two forks.  It was delicious.  I decided to give a go at making some BBQ sauce.  I started with a little roux, added juice from the slow cooker, paprika, cayenne, a little more ketchup, and some Crown.  Yep Crown =)  I let that cook for a while and add more salt and pepper as needed. 

And there you have it.  I made some pulled pork, which I put on toasted sourdough and added a little bit of sauce and tada!  I had myself a lunch.

Gotta love the slow cooker =)


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