Wednesday, February 20, 2013

SPIN Modern Thai Cuisine

  My Sister, being the smarter of the both of us, recommended SPIN Modern Thai Cuisine ( for dinner, and my taste buds and stomach are elated that she did.  Its been awhile since we've been to a restaurant that all three courses(appetizer, main dish, dessert) were superb.  So basically if you don't want a dinner destination to have great food and ambiance do not read any further...go ahead, I'll wait...3...2...1....and here we go
    SPIN is a small, almost hidden, restaurant in North Austin / South Cedar Park that, upon opening the door, has inviting decor with wonderful aromas that hit you in the face like a flavor sledge hammer.  But what makes SPIN extraordinary is, of course, the food.  SPIN blends traditional Thai ingredients with Japanese, Chinese, Vietnamese and even French cooking methods that produce flavors that are very pleasing to the palate.
    Appetizer:   We wanted to order the "Gai Tot Nuggets" but they were sold out, so we ordered the "Sweet Corn Taro Tempura: Crispy fried taro and corn fritter in a sweet chili vinaigrette, topped with green onions and crushed toasted peanuts."  The vinaigrette had a sweet, yet tart flavor that blended very well with the crispy fried taro and corn fritters.  We actually found ourselves eating the small crumbs of fried taro and fritters at the bottom of the bowl that were soaking in the vinaigrette without even realizing it.  I highly recommend this appetizer.
   Main Course:  My sister had the "Rib Ping: char-grilled pork ribs with Spin's herb BBQ sauce topped with yellow onions sauteed in butter and balsamic vinegar." The flavors were outstanding!  There are a lot of people out there that can say that their ribs are fall off the bone, fork tender....but I don't think I've ever been to a restaurant that had ribs that are fall off the bone, chopstick tender.  Yes my sister and I (being full Chinese and are very proficient at using chop sticks) found that when picking up the ribs, the meat literally fell off the bone while trying to pick them up with the chop sticks.  The 1/3 rack of rib meat itself had a nice little kick and the BBQ sauce made it even better.  Its not your regular BBQ ribs, but it will not disappoint.
   Main Course (continued):  I ordered the "Belly on Fire: Panko breaded pork belly, smothered in Spin's special curry sauce, with fresh julienne green beans, sauteed cipollini onions, Thai basil and toasted chili."  The pork belly was moist, full of flavor and melt in your mouth with a perfectly seasoned crunchy/crispy crust.  The curry sauce was delicious and had a nice bit of heat.  I found that the entree actually became spicier as I ate, by the time I was done with the dish, my mouth had a nice burn.  The sauteed cipollini onions when eaten with the pork added a nice snap texture on top of the crunchy and crispiness of the panko.  And the fresh (the chef actually hand picks the micro greens in front of you) micro greens add a light touch to the fatty pork. But, again, I would highly recommend this dish, you taste buds will thank you if you do.
   Dessert:  There are only two desserts on the menu, so we decided to get both. 
and the "Fried Ice Crea: scoop of strawberry ice cream rolled in a pound cake and tempura batter then deep fried.  Served with candied pecans, marshmallows and gold raisin puree."  Though the concept of this dessert was good, I think that this dessert could have been better if a thinner batter were used.  Though it still tasted good, the ice cream shell was a little think and therefore absorbed a lot of oil.  At least too much oil to me for a dessert.  The candied pecans and marshmallows, as well as the raisin puree was actually inside the shell.  But if you don't mind an oily dessert, the combo of ingredients melded together tastes decent.

    Dessert (Continued):The "Coconut Panna Cotta: panna cotta made with coconut milk, ginger consomme gel, candied pecans, preserved lemon, mint and carmel tuile,"  It was just delicious.  I have to admit that I do not like coconut or coconut milk, or coconut water, or coconut flesh...basically anything coconut, so when I say this dessert was fantastic, you'll understand how good it really is.  It was sweet, had a great texture, had a distinct, yet mellow coconut taste (yeah I know, I didn't think something could be mellow and distinct at the same time either) and if you add the ginger consomme...just pure coconut dessert perfection.

   Well folk's that it for SPIN Modern Thai Cuisine. I for one will visit this restaurant again.

So until next time, I wish y'all happy eating.  

(Oh and if you're reading this Elysha, I think you and Bart would  really enjoy this place, there are dishes that you and he would be able to have that have some nice heat to them and flavor to them).


  1. Great recap...we've been wanting to try out this place for a while & you've pushed me to making that happen within the next week! Love your pictures & detail. Your taste descriptions & mentioning of fiery heat leaves me excited to try this new Thai place in my area!
